Grace’s “Oops” Oatmeal Cookies

This sweet girl of mine is becoming a master baker (and getting popular with the neighbors in the process!)  Last week she made a batch of classic Quaker oatmeal cookies with her own personal twists.  They were delicious!  While munching my umpteenth cookie,  I noticed the old cinnamon container I resourcefully relabeled and filled with garam masala spice was in the wrong cabinet again with the baking spices.  Yep, she accidentally put garam masala in the cookies thinking it was cinnamon!  And she put a lot – like 1 tablespoon instead of 1 teaspoon (I must have rubbed off on her as I usually go heavy on cinnamon and ginger)  I decided to not actually write that into the recipe, but for those you wanting an exact repeat of the delicious cookies you munched down you may want to be brave and try it:)

PC Isaac Leigh

14 tablespoons of butter

¾ cup packed brown sugar

½ cup white sugar

2 eggs

2 tsp vanilla

1 ½ cup flour (we usually use spelt)

1 tsp baking soda

½ tsp salt

3 cups rolled oats

½ cup craisins

½ cup flaked coconut

1 cup chocolate chips

1 Tbsp cinnamon (or garam marsala:)

Heat oven to 350 degrees

Beat butter and sugars until creamy, then add eggs and vanilla and mix well

Add combined flour, baking soda, salt and cinnamon and mix well

Add oats, raisins, coconut, chocolate chips

Drop by tablespoons onto ungreased cookie sheets (we use our stones for everything)

bake 8-10 minutes

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